Whether you’re a student or a working person, the start of the new school year often comes with its share of stress. Gone are the relaxing days during the holidays. One must adapt to a new rhythm punctuated by obligations and deal with new challenges that can sometimes seem frightening. This is a phenomenon that psychiatrists and psychologists call the “August blues”. A spleen akin to the “Sunday blues”, which lasts for about a month with low morale, stress, anxiety and sometimes even depression at the idea of returning to school or work, and seeing the autumn and winter months loom ever closer. The Espace mom® team offers some advice on how to deal with this often difficult transition.

Learn to let go

It can never be emphasised enough: learning to let go helps deal with life situations in a more detached and serene manner. It invites us to accept and adapt to change, dispelling potential fears and anxieties. Far from promoting passivity, it encourages us to see the problems we face as they are, thus improving our ability to identify when we can do something about it, and when we cannot. Meditation, mindfulness, deep breathing, and cardiac coherence are all excellent methods of letting go. The start of the school year is as good an opportunity as ever to get started! With a mom® pendant around your neck or in your pocket, you’ll carry a valuable ally at all times to help you free your mind, remove emotional blocks and tackle new challenges with more confidence.

Set time aside just for you

Just like the appointments and other obligations we mark down in our schedule, we should make sure to set aside moments just for ourselves. The start of the new school year usually feels like a frantic race where there isn’t a minute to slow down. That’s why it is all the more important to take time to enjoy ourselves: go out with friends, join a sports club, treat oneself to a massage, take the time to read a good book, enjoy a little relaxation on the mom® energy mattress or cushion. These little comfort breaks help us think about something other than work, bills or family duties. They can be highly rejuvenating and give us the ability to face challenges more serenely down the line.

Tidy up your home

Many psychologists agree that our home is a reflection of our inner world. Tidying up and sorting out our home is therefore a great way of putting our thoughts in order, and clearing our heads. This helps the surrounding and vital energy circulate better, allowing us to feel lighter and less cluttered when facing challenges. So why not reorganise your home sweet home this September? Tidying up can also be soothing for some people. This is what the Kaizen method – a Japanese technique to sustainably and gently improve oneself– advocates. Feel good at home surrounded by scalar waves with the mom® environmental corrector cube and/or electrical network corrector, a great asset when it comes to managing a hectic back-to-school period.

Rejuvenate in contact with nature

There is nothing better than being in close contact with nature to reduce stress and recharge your batteries. Numerous studies have underscored the many benefits of this essential connection between man and nature. Bathing in the forest is a fantastic way to feel good, both for the body and for the mind. Walking in the forest is an invitation to disconnect from the urban hustle and bustle, to refocus and reconnect with oneself. Not to mention the many health benefits that come with it: lowering stress and anxiety, strengthening the immune system, increasing happiness hormones, naturally generating scalar waves… A big trend these days is forest bathing, which comes from and consists of hugging trees to draw directly from their beneficial energy.

Your Espace mom® team