Notes from Our Designer

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Wellbeing grows every day thanks to a better understanding of ourselves and our environment.

This involves some very technical subjects, but some may interest you nonetheless. I don’t have any particular belief set, and I don’t adhere to any religious or political organization – I don’t have a label. Our technologically advanced society, now in the space age, suffers a giant shortcoming. This shortcoming is the lack of knowledge of life phenomena.

What exactly makes our food grow? When a child gets bigger, we say they grow. But where does this growth come from?

Life energy is hard to identity and even harder to define. What we do know is that life is made up of waves, that the human being is an electromagnetic being, and that all life is energy. Georges Lakhovsky understood this. And the results he achieved with his multiple wave oscillator confirm it:

PDF - The Lakhovsky Machine

I suggest you read Hélène Barbier du Vimont’s article on Georges Lakhovsky, which was published in the alternative medicine journal.

In the PDF file, you can find an explanation on the origin of my drawings and more on how it all got started.

My work is a continuation of this approach. When it comes to my mom® devices and the types of radiation achieved, I have improved and refined these devices to finally achieve what I consider the best type of radiation, a dextrorotatory conical single helix (following the unity principle). Previously, I had achieved it on warm water after “vitalizing” one of my first mom10 devices (non-commercial).

When it comes to harmful radiation, straight lines and especially grid patterns – made up of gaps like what we find in electrical networks – are destructive and chaotic (separation principle).

These forms are what we see in currently existing “force fields”. My drawings are not a subjective vision of the mind. It’s as if my hand follows the flow of these energy streams, with which I connect myself and “tune into”.

The modified devices can transform negative emissions into positive emissions. I didn’t understand how it happened. I mentioned this in my previous discussion, but I didn’t focus on it too much. Things have progressed since then, and I now understand more about the interactions of electromagnetic and scalar waves polarities (see the technical section).