This represents a promising solution in the fight against the digital divide some nations still face, capable of offering constant, high-speed Internet access, much higher than that which can be obtained by the current ADSL or VDSL systems. Even better, electromagnetic disturbances do not affect them, resulting in excellent connection quality. There are many reasons why fiber optics are gradually becoming the main technology for Internet access, both for businesses and households. The government has made this its own work with the Very High Speed France Plan, promoting its deployment and gradual coverage throughout the country, promising the “same speed for all”. What exactly are fiber optics? Fiber optic cables are made of thin glass or plastic threads that transmit light instead of transmitting an electronic signal. With transmission speed the same as light, it’s easy to see its performance advantages and why the technology is slated to gradually replace ADSL and the copper cables of the traditional telephone networks like what our Internet and wireless phone networks are based on.

Is this an alternative against the harmful effects of ADSL on health?

As we know, the effects of the electromagnetic fields produced by our electronic devices and all their cords are not harmless to our health, as those suffering from electrosensitivity have known for quite some time. This is why mom® solutions, from mom® EMF protection necklaces to network and environment correctors, have seen constant success, providing effective and lasting protection from these electromagnetic waves. The advantage of fiber optic cables, unlike those used to carry ADSL, lies in the fact that they produce no emissions, with the only danger, according to the experts, coming from the light signal these cables carry. Produced by a laser outside the visible spectrum, this light can seriously damage the retina of the eye. However, as with the arrival of any new technology, it’s wise to play the card of caution. Even if these cables seem to be without danger, for now, will this be the same once its deployment has been fully implemented and we have more data on its usage? Especially since, in light of this wide-scale deployment, some see the need to facilitate another new technology: 5G. Far from harmless and fueling more and more controversy on its health impacts, now it’s more important than ever that we act as informed consumers.