According to the experts,10% of the population is suffering or will suffer from depressive episodes. This number has increased with the effects of COVID-19, the waves and on-again-off-again lockdowns of which have worn down our mental health. According to the EpiCovid study published lasted March by the Office of Research, Studies, Assessments and Statistics (DREES), one out of seven people has experienced a depressive episode since the start of the pandemic in 2020. And this trend has not slowed since. According to CoviPrev, another study conducted by Public Health France, 22% of the nation’s inhabitants suffered a depressive episode and 22% have experienced anxiety as of April 23 last year. Isolation, lack of social contact, financial strains, and, even worse, absence of future prospective and an inability to project ourselves into the future are some of the many factors caused by COVID-19 that have been identified as triggers for these mood issues, particularly among young people.

Electromagnetic Waves – A New Kind of Treatment

Veritable measurements of our health and mood, depression and anxiety disorders have a profound effect on our wellbeing: lower mood, worsening physical shape, irritability, sleep problems, appetite problems, negative effects on our relationships, the list goes on. And medical treatments, such as antidepressants and anxiolytics can sometimes seem like the only solution for these organic illnesses – but they bring along all sorts of side-effects, especially cognitive ones. In addition, they affect our brain as a whole, not just a single area. Now, psychiatry is looking for new solutions to these problems. One of the most recent, transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) consists of delivering electromagnetic waves directly to the brain area related to depression, the goal of which is to improve its activity and how it functions. Some thirty psychiatric departments in hospitals are using this technique today, as well as certain private centers, especially on those who have not responded to antidepressants or have serious side-effects to the medication. This has shown to be successful in about 30%-50% of cases.

What about scalar energy?

What if, instead, this medical and scientific advance was scalar energy and its use in treating psychiatric illnesses? Numerous scientists already view these helical forms of energy, much like our DNA, as the base of the medicine of tomorrow and feel it represents “the perfect, balanced model of wave circulation and energy transfer”. Unlike electromagnetic waves, which are vertically polarized, scalar waves (also called “standing” waves) line up perfectly with the waves emitted by all living things. Their main benefit is that they cross our cells’ electron barrier and, unlike electromagnetic waves, without damaging it, nourishing it with energy. As scalar energy generators, all our mom devices convert vertically polarized electromagnetic waves into horizontally polarized waves by creating a 90° shift in their polarization. Looking at the results of transcranial magnetic stimulation and electromagnetic wave delivery on depression, when delivered to the areas of the brain it affects, it seems worthwhile to take a look at the scientific results on the use of scalar energy with respect to this type of treatment. For now, and as science lifts the veil on scalar energy and action fields each day, it’s our job to research how our own health is affected by these waves, waves without which no form of life would be possible.