Technological developments and wellbeing sadly do not always go hand in hand. Electric and hybrid cars are an example. When these models which are thought to be less pollutant are rolled out at scale, it is a real nightmare for people with electrohypersensitivity (EHS). These people’s bodies are particularly permeable to electromagnetic fields and severely affected. They react badly to exposure to radiating electric or magnetic fluxes, even low levels. The most commonly reported problems include headaches, severe fatigue, dizziness, difficulty sleeping and other sleeping disorders, as well as tinnitus and concentration and memory problems. It is estimated that nowadays 3% of the French population suffers from physiological stress due to exposure to electric fields. This figure appears to increase over time, as wave-based technology all around us (WiFi, 5G, microwaves) multiplies in our daily lives and the environment. 

Overly powerful electric batteries

In the case of electric or hybrid cars, it is the batteries that are the problem. The electric field they emit is particularly powerful, which runs the risk of causing or exacerbating the symptoms of people with EHS. However, it is not only this particular group that needs protecting fro the harmful effects of batteries from these new cars. According to a survey carried out by the Canadian website “La maison du 21e siècle” (the 21st century home), magnetic field emissions from hybrid or electric vehicles should be concerning for everyone. Depending on where the battery is located (in the rear or the front of the vehicle), the radiation emitted is higher in the front or back seats and varies considerably in intensity. People with EHS should therefore choose a battery located at the rear of the vehicle if they wish to purchase these vehicles. But what if they have children? It will be the children who are exposed directly and at a higher level. This is a worrying phenomenon, especially as even if we do not spend entire days in our cars, electric fields accumulate into other forms of electromagnetic exposure that surrounds us.  

The mom® EMF protection necklace

With the advent of these new vehicles and the development of modern technology, the car that used to act as a Faraday cage has now lost its protective function. Electric and hybrid versions appear to have relegated the metal structure impervious to electric and electromagnetic fields to oblivion, which once prevented harmful waves from entering the passenger compartment. mom® solutions, particularly the mom® EMF protection necklaces are a clever replacement. Drivers and passengers of these new cars can wear them, whether they be EHS or not, to effectively and continually protect themselves against the electromagnetic radiation emitted by the batteries. By emitting scalar energy, the mom® EMF protection necklaces convert electromagnetic waves which we are constantly exposed to, into waves which are good for the body, so that everybody can enjoy the pleasure and comfort of the road, even in an electric car. 

The Espace mom® team