Pregnancy is a significant event in a woman’s life for many reasons. In addition to the symbolic connotations related to creating life in the time of only a few months, the expectant mother can face significant physical, physiological and psychological changes. The great hormonal upheaval pregnant women face, from the beginning of pregnancy until the first weeks after the birth of the baby, plays a significant role. Estrogen and progesterone are serious agitators of the body and mind by themselves – never mind the changes they cause on our body as a whole. When it comes to natural energy, our body’s needs change a great deal, not only having to meet the needs of the future mother, but also those of their developing baby. And when it comes to unnatural energy, the electromagnetic radiation that makes our hyper-connected societies possible spares neither the pregnant woman nor the developing fetus. 

Prenatal Exposure is Far From Harmless

While the dangers electromagnetic waves pose on the health of pregnant women and their children have yet to be fully identified, several studies have been seriously looking into the subject. And researchers have demonstrated potential health risks related to electromagnetic radiation during pregnancy: impaired cerebral development of the fetus, prenatal exposure while the brain is forming, risk of hyperactivity, behavioral or learning disorders, and DNA replication and cell growth can also be strongly altered by radiation. For the mother, exposure can cause various issues, such as headaches and sleep disturbances. 

Mom solutions, for the wellbeing of pregnant women and children 

Pregnancy and early childhood are the most sensitive periods for exposure to ionizing and non-ionizing radiation. Limiting this exposure is crucial for the health of pregnant women and their children. By transforming electromagnetic radiation into a source of positive energy for all living beings, the scalar energy generated by all mom solutions constitute an easy and effective solution to protect against these harmful effects. Acting on the heart of cells, they allow pregnant women to better manage all the physical, physiological and mental changes pregnancy brings on, since the scalar waves work in tandem with our body’s biophysical energy information processes, and likewise for the developing child. mom energy pendants are an ideal support tool throughout the entire pregnancy, contributing just as much to the mother’s wellbeing as to her baby’s.  It can also be worn by the child after birth to better help them manage their removal from uterine environment as quickly as possible. 

The Espace mom® team