Fall is well and truly among us, bringing shorter days with less sunlight. This lack of sunlight naturally has an impact on the body. The biological effects of sunlight on the body are many and varied. It affects our mood, memory, sleep and our ability to learn. Sunlight enters our body through the eye cells connected to the brain and sends stimulating or inhibiting messages to our internal biological clock, which is located in a small area of the brain near the hypothalamus.  This clock sets the body’s rhythm based on a 24-hour cycle, in response to messages received from perceived light signals. When light is at its optimal, the biological clock for example requests the secretion of hormones which are involved in physical and cerebral activity, whereas when it is dark, the brain starts to produce nocturnal hormones, such as melatonin, which induces sleep. 

Light — the great mood regulator

It is therefore understandable why a lack of sunlight that characterizes fall and winter, significantly affect the body’s rhythm. The body has a tendency to naturally follow the light’s rhythm. Ideally it would be able to freely adapt to the seasons and not be impacted by having to adapt to contrary functions. But our lifestyles do not allow us to adapt to the seasonal rhythm. This leads to a state of fatigue, lack of get-up-and-go, a drop in energy levels and even morale. Seasonal depression with an aversion to sweet food and a lack of motivation, even sleeping problems, is also closely linked to a lack of sunlight. 

Mom® solutions for a brighter winter

Exposing yourself to as much light as possible, such as taking vitamin D supplements (the sunshine vitamin), will help reduce the effects of insufficient light in our lives. As mom® solutions emit scalar energy and natural waves that are good for all living beings, they also provide accessible solutions so that everyone can have an easier time during this period. By acting directly on the core of the cells, they make is easier to assimilate the changes caused by a reduction in light on the physical and psychic level. The mom® EMF protection necklaces therefore act on the whole person wearing it and the scalar energy emitted works in unison with the biophysical processes of energy information in the body. Furthermore, they help boost the body and its immune system, which is particularly welcome during periods when viruses are at their peak. 

The Espace mom® team