We all know this by now: sleeping well is essential for physical and mental balance and maintaining our health and vitality. Nonetheless, so many of us suffer from sleep problems and disorders. Problems falling asleep, waking up in the middle of the night, insomnia affects a quarter of French residents, and half of them report feeling fatigued during the day. This is what the study conducted last year by the National Sleep and Alertness Institute (INSV) demonstrated and what has been confirmed by sleep centers. Lack of physicality and energy, concentration problems, mood changes, hypersensitivity, weight loss or gain – the effects from the lack of peaceful, restful nights are not inconsequential and have an effect on the quality of not only our physical lives, but our family and professional lives as well. In an attempt to remedy this, 10 million French residents resorted to sleeping pills in the year 2018 alone.

Sleeping Better Without Sleeping More

Another fact brought to light by this study: overall, we have been sleeping less, in no small part due to the change in our ways of life. So instead of focusing on the duration, we’re better off focusing on the quality of our nights. Having a comfortable bed and avoiding too much excitement at night, heavy meals, or even exposure to electronic devices (computer, smartphones) are the bases to a good night’s rest. Although there are small simple gestures we can follow, there are more insidious factors that are much more difficult to control.

“If the electromagnetic field of an antenna crosses certain parts of the environment, particularly our bedrooms, or if it contains problem zones, in the ground for example, this can cause significant sleep problems,” notes Hubert Mauerer, Espace mom® leader.

For cases like these, mom® solutions, which generate scalar energy capable of absorbing electromagnetic waves and converting them, through a simple shift in their polarity, into positive waves that heal living things, are a crucial tool for regaining peaceful sleep.

Purify the Room and Improve Positive Energies

The mom®3 electrical network corrector and the mom® environment corrector are the most suitable mom® technologies we have for this. By reversing the polarity of an electrical network, which devitalizes and weakens human beings, our electrical network corrector, when placed directly on your home’s electrical meter, will protect the room from any electromagnetic pollution that it may contain. In particular, electrical cords from lamps that run behind your bed, from your television that sit on a dresser set or even a smartphone placed on your nightstand … Not only will the electromagnetic radiation emitted by these objects be neutralized thanks to the corrector, but even better, our solutions transform them into transmitters of scalar waves that benefit our health and, in turn, the quality of our nights. As for the mom® environmental corrector, featuring even more powerful radiation capacities than that of the electrical corrector, the ideal place for it is directly on the floor in the room. This six-sided cube, with each side containing a 22cm oscillator, will generate the same effects as the electrical network corrector and, in addition, create an environment particularly conducive to relaxation and serenity by balancing and harmonizing ambient energies in your room. You will find either one a crucial ally in your quest toward restful nights.