Charter of Ethics for Espace mom Partner Therapists

As an Espace mom partner therapist, I commit to uphold the following ethical and professional principles in my therapeutic practice:

Respect and Compassion: I treat each person I accompany with respect, empathy, and compassion. I accept their reality, values, and personal journey without judgment.

Prevention of Sectarianism: I pledge not to use my therapeutic practice to promote beliefs, ideologies, or sectarian movements. I am aware of the importance of maintaining a professional and ethical approach in my practice.

Confidentiality: I commit to maintaining total confidentiality of the information shared by my clients during our consultations. I never disclose their names or personal information.

Client Autonomy: I recognize that each person I accompany is responsible for their choices and their own healing process. I do not seek to exert power over them, but rather to guide them in their own journey.

No Diagnosis: I do not make any medical diagnoses and I do not substitute for healthcare professionals. If necessary, I refer the individuals I accompany to qualified healthcare professionals.

Respect for Boundaries: I do not intrude into the personal lives of my patients and I never give unsolicited advice. I limit myself to responding to their specific needs and requests.

No Consultation for Third Parties: I only conduct consultations with the explicit consent of the person I accompany. I never consult for a third party.

This charter of ethics reflects my commitment to the well-being of my patients and my respect for ethical principles as an Espace mom partner therapist. I am determined to provide a safe and caring environment to assist the individuals I accompany in their journey towards well-being.

Partner’s Signature