Deployed in France last January and talked about for years as a revolution in digital technology, 5G still arouses just as much controversy. Some see it as a tremendous technological advance, while others fear the most harmful effects it may have on health and the environment. 5G should allow for new uses in many areas (media, health, transport, etc.), which will benefit from communication speeds up to 10 times higher than 4G. But many questions arise about the magnetic radiation of this new technology and its possible repercussions on living organisms. And for good reason: to date, no scientific research is available on the subject and no one really knows what the emission rate of 5G waves is, especially over the long term. This hasn’t stopped the International Agency for Research on Cancer, a part of the World Health Organization (WHO), from classifying these frequencies as being possibly carcinogenic to humans (Group 2b).

The Frequency of These Radio Waves

Concerns relate more to the frequency of these 5G electromagnetic waves rather than to their nature. Promising speeds ten times higher than 4G, the frequencies will be much higher, just as the number of towers used to propagate them. And even if these electromagnetic waves do not alter our DNA, they still have thermal properties that can damage biological tissues, the long-term effects of which we often underestimate. A risk that can be avoided by upholding the frequency thresholds, as some authorities point out. However, it’s legitimate to wonder whether or not these thresholds will be followed.

mom® Solutions, Protective Barriers Against Electromagnetic Waves

Those suffering from electrohypersensitivity (EHS) or sensitivity to electromagnetic wave exposure are the most affected by the negative impacts 5G has on human health. But the energy imbalance this causes affects everybody and can cause several types of illnesses: cancers, cellular stress that increases harmful free radical buildup, genetic damage and reproductive harm, learning, memory and concentration deficits and even neurological problems. And this doesn’t include the fact that it can be difficult to know the exact effects of 5G on the brain.

With devices that absorb electromagnetic waves and transform them into positive, healing waves that promote growth, mom® solutions are true protective shields against electromagnetic waves. Our devices reverse their polarity and generate scalar energy, waves that are beneficial to human health, as the scientific community is increasingly recognizing. From the mom1®, mom2®, and mom6® necklaces, which can be worn individually, and the mom® environment corrector, which radiates over more than 130 meters, we have created various solutions for maintaining your health and protecting yourself and your home from these waves. Essential for those who wish to effectively protect themselves from electromagnetic waves as a massive deployment of 5G is expected in the coming months.

The Espace mom team